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8 April 2018

English Grammar Quiz-05

Q.1 SYNONYMS Of 'CREED  is_____?
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Dopey
B) Musty
C) Faith✔
D) Vividness

Q.2 How many basic sentence patterns are there in english language?
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) 18
B) 9✔
C) 10
D) 15

Q.3 Find best expresses the meaning of given idiom/phrase 'Hole and corner'
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) To run away

B) To get into trouble
C) Secret✔
D) Defying

Q.4 Find incorrectly spelt word-
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Fathomable
B) Inviolable
C) Conquerable✔
D) All correct

Q.5 Antonym of 'Scornful’
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Clever
B) Plethora
C) Boring
D) Humble✔

Q.6 Find a opposite meaning of 'PERSEVERE’
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Give up✔
B) Hide
C) Chase
D) Sick

Q.7 Which of the following words is used to refer to the act of killing one’s wife?
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Sycophancy
B) Patrimony
C) Patricide
D) Uxoricide✔

Q.8  A person, who is specialist in heart diseases is called as__?
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Cardiologist ✔
B) Entomologist
C) Neurosurgeon
D) Heartologist

Q.9 One, who goes on foot is called as ___?
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Regicide
B) Parole
C) Pedestrian✔
D) Souvenir

Q.10 A person, who walks in sleep____?
HP Exams Adda-ENG-05
A) Somniloquist
B) Somnambulist✔
C) Unconscious man
D) Parole

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